Cyber Phasmid


  • 2x ALFA Network AWUS036ACHM
  • HackRF One
  • NEO-M8N GPS GNSS receiver board (Shop Link)
  • Active GPS Quad Helix Antenna, size: 18 mm x 50 mm (Shop Link)
  • Maximum extended length of HackRF antenna: 157 mm
  • Power Bank: Anker 533
  • Raspberry Pi 4/5
  • Fan 40mm x 10mm


It is possible to mount a Raspberry Pi 4/5 in two ways: with 5mm standoffs or without them. The two mounting areas are located close to each other, with a slight positional shift between them.


The fan is positioned at the bottom for air intake, with an additional opening on the same side for air to exit, ensuring proper airflow.


  • 2x Mini USB Right-Angled 10cm
  • 1x Mini USB Left-Angled 10cm
  • 1x Micro USB 10cm
  • 1x USB-C to USB-C Angled 30cm (PowerBank to USB Hub)
  • 1x USB-A to USB-C Angled 20cm (PowerBank to Raspberry Pi)
  • 1x SMA Cable 15cm

Explore the GitHub repository for Python scripts and configuration file related to this product. Visit the GitHub page here.

